Waterbased coating for parquet flooring
This clear coating achieves hardness, abrasion resistance with easy application. When applied, it ensures an excellent finish with good adesion to any wooden floors.
Recommended Uses
WHERE TO APPLY: for interior use only (wooden floors and stairs, parquet).
Application Instructions
HOW TO APPLY: by brush/roller.
ON NEW WOOD: apply the product on the sanding sealer HP 1000 sanding with 280-320 grit sandpaper. Apply 1 or 2 coats waiting 4 hours between each coat and sanding between the coats with 280-320 grit sandpaper. Final drying: 24 hours. If you want to colour the wood, use the HC 33** stain or the HI 20** stain before applying the sanding sealer HP 1000.
ON PREVIOUSLY COATED WOOD: suitable for the repair of wooden floors damaged by scratches or wear. Sand with 280 grit sandpaper, then apply 1 or 2 coats, waiting from 2 to 4 hours from one to another. If you wait more then 4 hours, you have to sand with 320 grit sandpaper. Final drying: 24 hours.
Package: 0,75 L – 2,5 L – Cans – Before ordering the product, please check availability with your sales representative.
Coverage & Drying Time

Touch dry: 2 hours
Interval between coats: 4 hours
Final dry: 24 hours

750 ml = 9 mq

synthetic bristle brush/roll