Waterbased coating for parquet flooring

This clear coating achieves hardness, abrasion resistance with easy application. When applied, it ensures an excellent finish with good adesion to any wooden floors.



Product # Colors Safety data sheet Technical data sheet
HP 3020 Clear Satin
HP 3040 Clear Semiglos
HP 3080 Clear High-Glos

Recommended Uses

WHERE TO APPLY: for interior use only (wooden floors and stairs, parquet).

Application Instructions

HOW TO APPLY: by brush/roller.

ON NEW WOOD: apply the product on the sanding sealer HP 1000 sanding with 280-320 grit sandpaper. Apply 1 or 2 coats waiting 4 hours between each coat and sanding between the coats with 280-320 grit sandpaper. Final drying: 24 hours. If you want to colour the wood, use the HC 33** stain or the HI 20** stain before applying the sanding sealer HP 1000.

ON PREVIOUSLY COATED WOOD: suitable for the repair of wooden floors damaged by scratches or wear. Sand with 280 grit sandpaper, then apply 1 or 2 coats, waiting from 2 to 4 hours from one to another. If you wait more then 4 hours, you have to sand with 320 grit sandpaper. Final drying: 24 hours.

Package: 0,75 L – 2,5 L – Cans – Before ordering the product, please check availability with your sales representative.

Coverage & Drying Time

Essiccazione icon
Drying Time
Touch dry: 2 hours
Interval between coats: 4 hours
Final dry: 24 hours
Resa icon
750 ml = 9 mq
Attrezzi icon
synthetic bristle brush/roll