Our mission is to create and produce environment-friendly coatings.
We take this responsibility not only in the interests of our company but also in that of the community.

The Ecolabel logo is a European certification, featuring a daisy, which aims to promote products and services, throughout their life cycle, with a low environmental impact, thus guiding consumers towards ecologically sustainable choices with regard to consumption. When you use Linea Blu Sayerlack products, this will ensure the best performance and you will help to protect the environment and our future.
Having always been aware of environmental and ecological issues, Sherwin-Williams Italia Srl has been Ecolabel certified since 2002.
Established in 1992, the ecological quality mark, or Ecolabel, is a special certification system invented to help European consumers choose products and services that are more environment-friendly, by providing clear and simple guidance.
All products bearing the Ecolabel logo have been controlled by independent organisations that have checked their compliance with strict environmental criteria. Determining compliance with environmental criteria involves analysing the life cycle of products/services.
The main environmental aspects are taken into consideration for each product (i.e. air and water quality, soil protection, waste reduction, energy saving, natural resources management, ozone layer protection, environmental safety, impact on biodiversity), which reflect the environmental impact of a product during its life cycle.
As regards coatings, the highlighted features are:
- Good performance for indoor use: these requirements are among the most stringent for EN ISO standards.
- Limited use of hazardous substances.
- Low solvent content to minimise emissions into the atmosphere.
- Recommendations for product storage to minimise solid waste.
- Recommendations for preventive measures to protect product users.
- Recommendations for cleaning equipment and tools, and proper waste management to limit water pollution.
- Confirmation that the complete details have been provided for using the product, the choice of substrate and preparation to prevent any errors that may lead to materials being wasted.