Wax effect waterbased topcoat
The wax effect waterbased stain gives to the wood a waxy and water-repellent look leaving the natural appearance unchanged. Provides UV protection to the wood.
Recommended Uses
WHERE TO APPLY: specially formulated for wooden items exposed to the exterior environment (gazeboes, flower boxes, gratings, wooden houses, unfinished wooden furniture, country-style furniture, ceilings).
Application Instructions
HOW TO APPLY: by brush/spray.
ON NEW WOOD: apply 1 to 3 coats depending on the required level of protection, waiting at least 4 hours between each coat. These wax effect basestain cannot be overcoated with the normal water-based and solvent-based topcoats. Recoating is recommended after 2 years, based on the level of exposure. Remove any dust and clean the surface. Sand if required.
ON PREVIOUSLY COATED WOOD: before applying the product, remove the old coating by sanding with a 80-150 grit sandpaper. Then, proceed as with new wood.
Package: 0,75 L – 2,5 L – Cans – Before ordering the product, please check availability with your sales representative.
Coverage & Drying Time

Touch dry: 1 hour
Interval between coats: 4 hours
Final dry: 12 hours

750 ml = 9 mq

synthetic bristle brush